Saturday, December 4, 2010

Zoom In (Module 7)

One of my favorite hobbies is reading. Although school and work take up a great deal of my time, I try to find a free moment to read a good novel. One thing that I tend to do before purchasing or reading a book is thoroughly examine the cover. For me, this is fun or essentially a form of play. For example, I often consider the reasoning for the placement and selection of the author's names, titles, subtitles and artwork on a cover. What thought went into the overall design of it? Considering some of the elements we have learned about in this class, I could ponder if the thinking tools of patterning, abstracting, or modeling involved in the design process. 

Now, staying in the mode of play, I decided to play with the cover of our class textbook. The following images (presented in exact order) illustrate what caught my attention from the cover of the Sparks book.(And for the record, the cover is definitely a good setup for the content).

1. The title with the blazing match in the background:
2. The subtitle reveals what the content of the book is:

3. The name of the authors clearly displayed across the top of the cover:

4. The full book cover reconstructed:  

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