Saturday, October 23, 2010

How Do I Love Thee? (Module 4)

My topic is “using webinars to facilitate training.” This recent definition shows the evolution of the topic from first module. The emphasis is still on using webinars, but the title has been shortened somewhat. Okay, now on the essentials of this assignment. First, I’ll begin with a crucial element and benefit of webinars.  Each webinar can be archived for future viewing and review.
Consider this analogy:
The archive of a webinar stores files like PDFs, Word documents, and videos in the same manner that a jewelry box holds earrings, necklaces, and bracelets all in one central location.
But let’s not stop there. Below is a poem I created to offer a more abstract portrait of the analogy I used for my topic. It’s called:
"The Beauty of the Archives"
As I scan the archives from left to right and then again from right to left
I glance upon the gems otherwise known as word docs, video clips, and PDFs
Each spectacular file is as beautiful as a diamond, ruby, emerald, and yes even a pearl
And let’s not forget that these keepsakes can be accessed from almost anywhere in the world
Now it may seem silly to think of an archive as being more precious than silver or gold
Yet for me, waxing poetic about the beauty of webinar archives never grows old

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