Friday, November 5, 2010

How Do I Love Thee? (Module 5)

One aspect of my topic (using webinars to facilitate training) that I wouldn’t normally consider would coincide with using my body are my eyes. Viewing the components of training is a big part of the webinar experience. Since I use the computer quite a bit (for school and work), I realized how important maintaining good eyesight truly is. Ironically, last weekend, I had an appointment to get tested for new glasses. The appointment involved taking an eye test. With this assignment I thought I would explore what type of visual test would be appropriate for webinars.

Of course, it wouldn’t involve an actual medical evaluation, but it would be fun and interesting. Perhaps something on the level of the image that is captured below:

How did you do? 20/20 eh?

Now to go one step further, perhaps you could say that webinars help us view the world of learning in a whole new way. The following image visually epitomizes that idea:

And one additional thing. Another added bonus from the image (if you take a thorough look) is that you can see the picture of a computer beyond the world. How cool is that?


Noble Works Cards (n.d.) Eye Chart. Retrieved from

Monash University. (2008). World in the Eye. Retrieved from

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